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How you can get involved

Updated: Jun 15, 2022

We are grateful that you would like to know more about getting involved with us. Before we let you know more about that, we would love for you to take a moment and sign up to receive regular communication from us. The easiest way to do this is to 'subscribe' by entering your email address on the home page. You can also leave us a message on our chat bot and we'll get in touch as soon as we can.

One of the biggest ways you can help is by praying regularly for us and for New Zealand. It is a highly diverse country with over 40 percent of people in Auckland coming from other parts of the world. According to census statistics from 2018, nearly 50 percent of the population claims 'no religion'. Less than 20 percent of the population considers themselves 'Christian' and far fewer than that attend regular church gatherings. In short, the mission field is huge and the workers are few. Please pray that God allows us to be a light in what is a very spiritually dark place.

Another way you can get involved is through a financial partnership. We are career missionaries with Global Strategy and are committed to growing God's Kingdom in this part of the world. For more information on GS please go to

Financial partnerships are just that; it is your opportunity to partner with us in making disciples and changing lives. New Zealand is beautiful, exotic, and desperately in need of the gospel of Jesus Christ. You may not be able to personally take the gospel to the ends of the earth but, by partnering with us, you allow us to spend our time, energy, and efforts into carrying that message to this multi-cultural country at the bottom of the world. For more information on how we approach that, please visit 'Our Strategy'.

If you would like to partner with us and are based in New Zealand, we want assure you that we are a registered charity and all gifts are eligible for tax rebates at the end of the financial year. Our bank details are the following

Global Missions Church of God NZ

ASB 12-3038-0328259-00

If you are based in the U.S. please visit our Global Strategy page at: for information on how to give

We appreciate your support and are very excited about what God is doing here.

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